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Vaughnette Goode-Walker has devoted her life to the study of urban slavery in Savannah, and leads a truly amazing tour sharing stories of the the city's past. She insists on referring to the "remembrance" of slavery, rather than the…

The upper floors of the Montmollin Building housed one of the largest slaves operations in Savannah (the third floor was where the slaves were kept); it was run by John Montmollin and Alexander Bryan from the 1850s until December 1864, when Savannah…

The Owens-Thomas House, run by the Telfair Museum, is a fine example of English-Recency architecture in America. It was built for cotton merchant and banker Richard Richardson. The tour begins in the original slave quarters seen here.

Although the focus of the Owens-Thomas House tour is the main house and its architecture, at least there is some verbal mention of the slaves who worked here.

This floor plan is on display on the second floor of the slave quarters--this is not part of the guided tour, although guests are invited to take a look before or after.

This information accompanies the floor plan on the second floor of the slave quarters, and gives some indication as to what life may have been like for the slaves who lived here.

The Second African Baptist Church was founded in 1802, by Andrew Bryan, Georgia's first African American religious leader and former slave. It was on the steps here where Gen. Sherman read the Emancipation Proclamation, and promised the newly freed…

The Old Plateau Cemetery, or Africatown Graveyard, is the burial ground of slaves, free blacks, and a Buffalo Soldier. Africatown was founded by freed slaves who were among those who arrived in American on the Clotilda, the last documented slave ship…

A mobile home used to sit here, which housed the Historic Africatown Visitor's Center. All that stands here today is the remains of a dilapadated welcome sign, a parking lot, an ADA ramp, and what appears to be a memorial with gold busts to several…

This sign welcomed people to the Historic Africatown Vistor's Center, which was across the street from the Africatown Graveyard.
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