Browse Items (54 total)
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicting Muhammad Ali as San Sebastian, (text) "The Passion of Muhammad Ali", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad, (8.5" X 11")
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker and red flair pen, depicting Nixon and four hands using make-up on him, (text) "Nixon's last chance. (This time he'd better look right)", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicting two people in uniform the soldier makes a grimace to the sergeant, (text) "Exclusive! The Plot to Unionize the U.S. Army.", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad,…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicts Tiny Tim, Arlo Gunthrie Michael Pollard, (text) "The Beautiful People: Campus Heroes for 1968/69", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad, (8.5" X 11")
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicting John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy standing in cemetery, (text) "Salvaging the 20th Century.", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad, (8.5"…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, blue and red flair pen, depicts Lauren Hutton with lipstick and eye make-up only on half of her face, (text) "Season's Greetings! 4 naughty dreams to last you till March..", with marginalia in…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicts Andy Warhol drowning in Campbell's Tomato Soup can, (text) "The final decline and total collapse of the American avant-garde.", with marginalia in artist's hand on unlined sketch pad,…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicts college student facing a pig, (text) "The Kids Vs The Pigs", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad, (8.5" X 11")
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicts 12 of the 90 people who supported Muhammad Ali with his decision to evade the draft, (text) "We believe this: Muhammad Ali
deserves the right to defend his title.", with marginalia in…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicting St. Patrick's Cathedral as movie theater, (text) "The New Movies: Faith of Our Children", with marginalia in artist hand, blue line letter pad, (8.5" X 11")
, artist's final draft layout sketch,, black pigment marker, depicting Lieutenant William Calley widely smiling with 4 Asian children surrounding him, (text) "The confessions of Lt. Calley", with marginalia in artist hand, on blue line letter pad,…
artist's final draft layout sketch, black pigment marker, depicts Norman Mailer as King Kong cradling Germaine Greer as Ann, (text) "censored scenes from King Kong and Germaine Greer on Norman Mailer!", with marginalia in artist hand, on unlined…

Students speaking about their work at George Lois Archives
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