Browse Items (373 total)

Typed resignation letter addressed to the President and Members of the CCNY Young Communits League. Serves as political flyer. 2 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer in protest of Hearst Publishing. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Monthly newsletter with headline: Unite Youth Against War and Fascism. 4 pages.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political pamphlet with headlines: Expose the Bandit League; Against Stalinist Betrayal; Against Social Democracy; Combat Social Patriotism; Defend the Ethiopian People; Build the Fourth International. 4 pages. Student Publications: The Campus…

Political pamphlet with information about the congressional bill in support of the American Youth Act. 4 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political pamphlet with headline: Danger Ahead! Fees Menace Looms After Vacation. 4 pages.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Weekly newsletter with headline: Strike Tomorrow! 2 pages.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political rally on March 15, 1935 at the Manhattan Lyceum in New York City with speakers: Juan Ordoqui, Walter Relis, Sanford Solender. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Advertisement flyer for forthcoming New Masses publication. Advertisement flyer on reverse: Students of CCNY, Come to Mass Trial, Friday Night, October 19 at Webster Hall, sponsred by the National Student League. Student Publications: The Campus…

Political flyer. 2 pages.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection
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