Browse Items (373 total)

Flyer for political rally on May 1, 1936. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political rally to demand collective sanctions against Italy. Speaker: Joseph Cohen. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer in protest of Italian Fascist aggression in Ethiopia. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political rally in June, 1935 to protest fascism and restrictions on freedom of speech. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newsletter with headlines: All Out May Day!; Another Jingo Day; Education in the USSR; United Front with Hearst; Is Communism a Religion?; China's Revolution Spreads; H.A. Overstret and Leisure. 12 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper…

Political flyer with pencil drawings.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newsletter with headlines: Our Lives Are at Stake; April 12 at CCNY; The Events in Harlem; Why Not to Be a Trotzkyite; Mr. Cohen's Theory of the State; The FERA Students' Union. 12 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political meeting in March, 1935.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newsletter with headline: Vitamin Strike Won with Student Aid. 9 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection
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