Browse Items (373 total)

Typed letter regarding expulsion for the Young Communist League. Handwritten note: Saks Statement. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Typed letter addressed to the State Organizational Committee, Young Communist League. Handwritten note: Oct, 1936. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer in support of executive clemency for Earl Browder. Includes detachable form letter addressed to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 4 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Typed letter hand addressed to J.R. Dunlap regarding annual dues. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer in support of the Communist Party platform. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political rally on April 27, 1936 in support of Professor Morris U. Schappes. Additional organizer: The Campus. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political pamphlet in support of Czechoslovakian independence. 4 pages. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political flyer in protest of Adolf Hitler and German military aggression. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event on March 5, 1936 at St. Nicholas Palace regarding the American Youth Act. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event on April 22, 1937 with speakers: James Wechsler and Joe Starobin. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection
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