Browse Items (373 total)

Newsletter with headline: Help the Guttersnipes Ward Off the Umbrella. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event on November 12, 1937. Speakers include: Dr. Lin, Moreno Calles, Michael J. Quill, Harry W. Laidler. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event on November 5, 1936 regarding analysis of national elections and election of Theodore Roosevelt. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event in March, 1938. Speakers include: Jerry J. O'Connell, James Hawthorne, Seymour Copstein. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newsletter with headline: The Teachers Union and the American Labor Party. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political event regarding the plight of the Jews in Eastern Europe with speaker: Marvin Lowenthal. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Political pamphlet with headline: Danger Ahead! Fees Menace Looms After Vacation. 4 pages.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Flyer for political rally on November 28, 1936 at Union Square. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newspaper clipping regarding political events at CCNY. Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection

Newspaper clipping regarding political events at CCNY with photographs of strike.Student Publications: The Campus Newspaper Collection
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