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Chicha means drink in Kichwa and it is typically a fermented drink that is prepared throughout the Andean cultures. The Kichwa communities of the amazon rainforest are known for preparing the chicha of chonta fruit through a process of chewing and…

The Kichwa communities of the amazon rainforest are known for making a drink called chicha from the chonta fruit through a process of chewing and spitting as a way to ferment the drink. It is a typical fermented drink that is prepared throughout the…

Pilche means drinking gourd in Spanish and produced mostly in the amazon rainforest where this particular fruit grows. The Kichwa communities of the amazon rainforest use the hard shell of the fruit to create a functional drinking gourd for everyday…

Pilche means drinking gourd in Spanish and produced mostly in the amazon rainforest where this particular fruit grows. The Kichwa communities of the amazon rainforest use the hard shell of the fruit to create a functional drinking gourd for everyday…

Pilche means drinking gourd in Spanish and produced mostly in the amazon rainforest where this particular fruit grows. The Kichwa communities of the amazon rainforest use the hard shell of the fruit to create a functional drinking gourd for everyday…
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