Health and Conflict

War devastates all aspects of human life. Sadly, millions of lives around the world are reduced to little more than basic survival due to such senseless violence. Ending war is the first step in focusing on global health and well-being in any real and tangible sense. In Syria, the Assad regime used chemical weapons against its own citizens during that country’s internal conflict. Here, then Secretary General Ban Ki-moon draws attention to the suffering and devastation endured by the Syrian people after those chemical weapons strikes. 

Secretary-General Briefs Press on Syria Report

Secretary-General Briefs Press on Syria Report, 16 September 2013

This is a photo of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon briefing the press following a Security Council consultations on the Report of the Mission to investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic. The Report concluded that chemical weapons were used in the Ghouta area of Damascus on 21 August 2013.

Secretary-General's Press Encounter Following Briefing to the General Assembly on his Priorities for 2016 (Full Transcript), 14 January 2016

This is a full transcript of Secretary-General's Press Encounter following briefing to the General Assembly regarding his priorities for 2016.